IOSH Membership

IOSH Membership

IOSH membership is highly recommended if you intend to build your career in Health and Safety. It’s a useful string to your bow for a career in management.  There are several different levels of membership, each depending on your skills and experience. Membership fees are free for students but start at £50 for part-time students, rising to about £190 for new affiliate members.

IOSH Membership Levels



Associate (AIOSH)

Technical (TechIOSH)

Graduate (GradIOSH

Chartered (CMIOSH)

Chartered Fellow (CFIOSH)

What are the benefits of membership?

You’ll have your own IOSH login – MyIOSH – You can take advantage of their Initial Professional Development (IPD) to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and networking – sharing experiences on forums. There’s a career hub which helps you to build CVs, offers practice aptitude tests, rehearse mock interviews and other tips to build your confidence and competence. This feeds into their competency framework built around 3 key areas – Behavioural, Core and Technical. The last thing of note to mention is the opportunity for Mentoring and the IOSH Blueprint which will help you lay out your career plan and plot your development objectives. In our opinion, IOSH membership offers you a fantastic toolbox and a set of resources to help propel your career and set the standards for health and safety leadership.