Employability has been defined as “the capability for gaining and maintaining employment.”
What are employability skills?
- Employability skills are the skills you have developed inside and outside of school that you can transfer to the workplace
- Knowledge and abilities relating to a particular job – IOSH working Safely Course provides that baseline safety knowledge
- The ability to identify suitable job opportunities and self presentation for applications and interviews. You can’t rely on your academics alone to automatically open doors for you after school
- Many students already have the employability skills companies are looking for – but they don’t realise it!
Growth of Apprenticeships
In June 2015 the Skills Minister announced that the term ‘apprenticeship’ will be protected in law, through the Enterprise Bill 2015, in order to strengthen apprenticeships’ reputation and ensure they are recognised as a career path equal to higher education. This will also give government the power to take action when the term is misused to promote low quality courses
In March 2015, ‘Traineeships: framework for delivery 2015 to 2016’ was published, setting out information for young people, providers and employers on how traineeships will be delivered from 1 August 2015 With the Government’s pledge to create 3 million apprenticeships by 2020
IOSH Working Safely
It has been very refreshing recently to have many enquires from young persons attempting to better their employability skills by purchasing the First4Safety ltds IOSH working safely on line course. We have fully supported these individuals especially since they are doing this off their own back.
Health and safety is relevant to everyone in the workplace but young people are particularly vulnerable to accidents at work as they do not have as much experience or training as older workers. According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), young men aged 16–25 face a 40 per cent higher relative risk of all workplace injury than men aged 45–54.
Some Interesting figures
82% of employers take on Apprentices to build the skills capacity within their business and
75% say it has helped them with recruitment costs (with the average cost of filing a vacancy £5,000)
52% of employers having problems in finding suitably skilled recruits.
Health and Safety
All employers should take all the necessary steps to ensure the Health, Safety and Welfare of all persons participating in Apprenticeship programmes are of the same standard as the Company is required to do in relation to its employees under current relevant Health and Safety legislation in the UK. Health and Safety documentation and safety arrangements should be in place and monitored. These include Employers Liability Insurance, accident book, first aid facilities, fire precautions and where appropriate risk assessments and safety policies.
Induction in the workplace
Every apprentice is required to be given an induction by the employer. This should clearly communicate expectations of them, house rules and important information, such as:
- organisational structure
- health and safety
- fire procedures
- equality and diversity
- supervision procedures
- disciplinary procedures
- risk assessments
- mobile phone/social media usage policy
What is clear that more and more young people themselves see the need to have a health and safety qualification before they start or secure their apprenticeship. It clearly gives them a competitive advantage and more importantly helps them be more aware of hazards and risks that have the potential to cause injury.